As you might be aware, starting at 12:00 noon (Pacific Time) Jan 28 -
2010 the Jupiter server will be upgraded to our new "Cloud Hosting"
service. There may be a short outage while the accounts are being
transferred. If you have sites on the Jupiter server (if your
nameservers are osempire or ostraffic), you can help make the transfer
faster by deleting any old backups, mail attachments, or any other large
files you might not need.
I'm excited to share with you this new hosting solution, and I'm sure
you will enjoy the benefits in speed and power as much as I have during
the past months of testing. No fear, all accounts still have WHM /
CPanel etc, multiple versions of PHP running side by side etc. As a
user, the only difference you should notice is an increase in speed and
the scalability benefits of elastic computing.
At this time there is no additional charge for hosting in the cloud, but
this service is substantially more expensive to operate so it is likely
you will see a small increase in our cost of hosting over the next year.
Within 3 months we anticipate having all customers hosted on the elastic
cloud platform.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask.
Best Regards
Mark Artyniuk
OS System Administrator